works Better Than Couple's Therapy

 NO blame, finger-pointing or re-hashing the past!

"Between Men and Women"

 Couples Communication Success Retreat

To Book Your Private 1-On-1


 (Scroll down for full retreat details and prices.)

Is This You?

You feel like you're WALKING ON EGG SHELLS to avoid upsetting or triggering your partner.

You are TIRED OF SENSELESS FIGHTING with your partner.

You CAN'T SEEM TO TALK without getting into an argument.

You and/or your spouse are constantly trying to AVOID CONFLICT, so conversations never get complete.

You wonder if your relationship has gone flat - you're MISSING VITALITY and SPARK.

You WORRY that you and your partner may be headed toward PERMANENT DISCONNECTION.

You're CONCERNED at the lack of respect and you wish you had more INTIMACY and TRUST in your marriage.

You ARGUE over silly things and you WISH YOU HAD CONTROL over run away emotions.

You're SCARED and/or EXHAUSTED - you're communicating in ways that DON'T FEEL GOOD and you're tired of spinning your wheels.

Is This What You Want?

The fastest way to create and sustain AUTHENTIC CONNECTION, TRUST and INTIMACY between the two of you.

Science based PROVEN TECHNIQUES and TOOLS to transform your communication.


Positive results with NO FINGER POINTING, blame or looking for who's wrong.

How to effortlessly BRING OUT THE BEST in your partner AND yourself WITHOUT anyone having to COMPROMISE or "settle".

If that sounds like YOU...

You probably want a different approach that offers BIG results QUICKLY… and that AVOIDS BLAME, FINGER-POINTING and DIGGING UP THE PAST!


Everything that goes on between you and your partner happens through COMMUNICATION…. EVERYTHING!

Is it REALLY necessary to start digging around in your childhood, or probing to find what’s WRONG with you, or once again TALKING about the past, when that gets you no where?

In a word...NO. It's not necessary.

Have a listen to discover...

the missing link for having the relationship you want, and what to expect in your private retreat.

Our message:

  • You are not broken. You don't need to change!
  • You don't need to be fixed.
  • You deserve to be happy, individually and as a couple...and it's easier than you think.

Call: 403-455-9351
Call or Text: 403-975-3723

A Personal Letter from Donna

Hello Friends,

My name is Donna Tosky. I'm a Couple’s Communication Specialist & Consultant, and the co-founder of the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat.

Did you know that eight out of ten couples struggle? That's right... eight out of ten! In other words, 80% of people in relationship or marriage are not having the experience they would like to be having. I know what that feels like. I was one of them. It's safe to say you're no different from me. You want clear communication, a good connection and a partnership you can count on. All of that means respect, intimacy and trust. 

Even though these things look a little different for each of us, all in all, you'd likely agree that your marriage/relationship should be more fun than stress. Furthermore, your relationship is too important in life... you've invested too much to not get what you want.

So how do we get to that "holy grail" of happiness in relationship or marriage? There is a common myth that the only way to “fix” or make change in a troubled marriage is by going through lengthy, time consuming and often painful therapy or counselling. This usually involves revisiting the past, rehashing old wounds and to a certain extent, establishing “who did what to whom”.

When my relationship ended, after 14 difficult and challenging years, I knew a happy marriage was possible, but I didn't want to go through more struggle to get there. I wanted a different way… a unique way... a way that takes out blaming. I wanted a new perspective along with a complete set of tools and techniques that show people exactly what to DO to lay down a solid foundation for the quickest road to recovery and happiness. The program you are about to discover is all of that.

With that goal in mind, I went on a quest that was to completely redirect my life and purpose. I embarked on a relentless search for what was missing, including my own role in the breakdown of my marriage. It was a journey so eye-opening that I HAD to share it with others. My single driving purpose became to return couples to the peace of mind, connectedness and fun they deserve without having to compromise who they are. I now do this by teaching my SPARK Communication Success System for Couples.

For over 15 years, I've helped disconnected couples to deeply reconnect through a unique communication system that renews, refreshes and rebuilds their commitment to their marriage. My life partner, Jason, joined me in 2007, and as a team, we've delivered the SPARK Communication Success System, and brought lasting re-connection to 100’s of couples through our group retreats and private coaching.

This page is about what we do, how we do it, and most importantly, what's available for YOU when you choose to participate in a private 1-on-1 "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat.

Welcome to "Between Men and Women", and please read on! If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.

In the meantime...Go Be Great

~Donna Tosky, Couples Communication Specialist and Consultant

"Donna helped us come out of separation better than we ever were or would have ever been! We had failed miserably & almost given up after trying to reconcile by ourselves & through marriage counselling. After working with Donna, we are now better connected and better equipped to leverage and cherish our individualities. We really appreciate Donna’s kindness and wisdom! The programs she runs are relevant, practical & in a league of their own! We highly recommend going for the couples communication retreat no matter which stage / season of a relationship you are in!"

– Archie and Mel Mpofu, "Between Men and Women" Programs Graduates


  • You’ll HAVE to go to TEDIOUS THERAPY or COUNSELLING to get anywhere.
  • And there will be a LOT of TALKING about THOUGHTS and FEELINGS that one of you may not even be SURE about, to a TOTAL STRANGER.
  • And you’re NOT KEEN on getting PSYCHOLOGICALLY ANALYZED by someone that DOESN’T KNOW the LEAST THING about you.
  • One of YOU is going to LOOK LIKE THE ”BAD GUY” that will now have to “GET FIXED”.
  • And this is likely going to COST A FORTUNE.
  • Just to have to REVISIT and REHASH EVENTS from the PAST, which you NEVER seem to GET AWAY FROM.


  • Right from the get-go, YOU or YOUR PARTNER are NOT THRILLED about going to someone that is looking for how YOU ARE FLAWED, so you HOLD BACK.
  • You GET SICK of/are NERVOUS about the HUGE AMOUNT OF TIME & ENERGY WASTED on the “he said/she said” stories.
  • You’re WORRIED the conventional process of trying to get BETTER CONNECTED is somehow GOING TO BACKFIRE and actually MAKE THINGS WORSE (and just so you know… many PSYCHOLOGISTS AGREE that it DOES make things worse).
  • Couples don’t get the REAL TOOLS THEY NEED to PRODUCE NEW RESULTS in a short time frame.

If Nothing Has Been Working for You, Here’s the REALITY You’ve BOTH Been MISSING. Here's the TRUTH...

The Truth Is...It’s CRITICAL to have a LOGICAL APPROACH to replace what up to this point, may have be OVERRULED BY EMOTION.


Emotions either run really high, OR you stuff them all DOWN when you’re in the middle of a communication breakdown. Emotions like anger, resentment and anxiety lead you (or your partner) straight to defensiveness, aggression, shutting down and indeed, the very traits that will cause MORE breakdown for you as a couple.

Perpetual anger, resentment or sadness at knowing what your relationship/ marriage COULD be, but not having any way to get there, is exhausting and draining.

The "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat is a way to get there. It’s a logical approach to getting what you want in relationship, one that replaces what, up to this point, has been overruled by emotion.

The Truth Is...If You Could Figure This Out Yourselves, You Would Have Done It By Now, and You Haven't.

It’s okay. It’s not your fault, but it really is time to admit that you DON’T know how to figure this out yourselves. It's not personal to either of you. You’re not a failure. None of us is born knowing this stuff. Not one of us!

Research experts in this area tell us that couples wait an average 6 years too long to get the help they need. So the time to do something is NOW. The longer you wait, and keep trying to figure it out, the more it costs you. Your self esteem takes a big hit. You sense your own helplessness, and you start to wonder… “Maybe this is as good as it gets … is this really what I signed on for?”.

There is only so much of this stress that couples can shoulder before they really start to buckle. The longer you wait to make real change, the more resentment and utter desperation sets in as the connection between you seems to be badly broken.

You're not really struggling yet? Well if there is something on your radar that’s not feeling quite right, and you both KNOW it, NOW is the time to do something.

Like I said, you are not born knowing how to make relationships work. You have to learn it. That's why I do what I do. The "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat gives you the physiological, psychological and behavioural understandings you need to finally take your relationship where you've always wanted it to go.   

The Truth Is..."Fixing" your relationship is only daunting when YOU THINK there's TOO MUCH to fix. The KEY TO SUCCESS is to have a STRATEGY to quickly REPLACE WHAT IS NOT WORKING with WHAT DOES WORK.

Here’s where science becomes your greatest ally and most valuable resource because when you know what to DO, communication success can be learned. One of the biggest reasons you tend to avoid taking on the task of fixing messy communication in your relationship is because the task can seem too big to handle.

As soon as you think you know what to focus on, something ELSE comes up to get in your way. It spirals. It never ends. You can’t get ahead of it all. Constant challenges, one after another. OR it’s that same darned thing again that you THOUGHT you dealt with the last time. Why does it keep coming back to haunt you? Why can’t you ever get a handle on it, for good?

The very best way to make any problem manageable is to reduce it down into chunks and deal with it one chunk at a time.

Adding what works for you, and removing what doesn't work for you sounds simplistic, but it's the shortcut to having the experience you want. And knowing what needs to be added or removed is exactly what the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat will show you.

The Truth Is...Often, partners want RESOLUTION of their ISSUES, and that’s why there is a continuous, but unnecessary, pull to go back to the PAST.

You will be FLOORED to learn that scientific RESEARCH now tells us that 70% of our conflicts are NOT RESOLVABLE.

Whoa! What this means is you can’t handle most of the CONFLICT you have going on the way you THINK it should be handled. THIS is HUGE! It doesn’t mean it doesn’t get handled… it means it doesn't get handled the way YOU THINK it should be handled.

What then? There’s nothing worse than wanting to produce a result but not having a CLUE HOW to do that. This has you feel like a failure, inept and gets you doubting yourself AND your partner. It helps then, to know exactly HOW to move forward without always having to go to the past to somehow “fix” what happened back then.

People do the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat because they are looking for something different, something unique, something that doesn't rely on recalling the past, but on understanding who you and your partner are today, so that you can have much brighter tomorrow.

The Truth Is...(and nobody is talking about this) A big reason why men and women have communication breakdowns is because men and women have two very DIFFERENT COMMUNICATION STYLES.

The most hidden layer of communication is the layer that distinguishes the differences between men and women and how these differences show up in our communication and then play out in our marriage/relationship.

Identifying and de-mystifying those differences is a core component of the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat. 

This topic is a big one, and for this reason, I have put a whole teaching together for you in the next section.

A Short Teaching ... When Communication Styles Clash

One Woman’s Scenario: Is this familiar? 

Even if it was good in the beginning, you notice you’re no longer as comfortable in the relationship as you’d like to be, and you can’t ignore it anymore. You don’t feel safe. He’s not “getting it”. You don't feel heard. Even though he might be hearing what you’re saying, you know he’s not REALLY understanding. It happens TOO often.

You try to explain something important to you, and he ends up making it about himself, gets defensive and once again, you feel unheard. You can never quite get to ground zero with him, where you can reset and get reconnected. He either gets mad or shuts down and leaves the room before hearing you out. OR ... he just doesn't talk at all and you wonder, "Is there anybody IN there?"

You’re really nervous that he’s not getting where you’re coming from and you’re just not sure what to do next. You know he’s not stupid, so now you’re starting to feel horrified at the idea that “he’s just selfish”, and you’re mad at yourself for not seeing it before. You worry about what the future for you and your family will look like … will it be like this forever?… how can I change this? When you have a conversation with him, you sense he just wants to end the conversation as quickly as possible and has you feel anxious. It feels like you never really get a chance to explain yourself. You may have stopped talking LONG ago because of this. You know that’s not the answer but at least it protects you from unnecessary struggle and disappointment.

You get this sense that you’re always walking on eggshells. He seems to judge you, and you think he’s missing who you really are or what’s REALLY going on. You hate that he would be willing to pretend there’s nothing going on, and you’re sick and tired of being on edge, instead of addressing things.

One Man’s Scenario: Is this familiar? 

When it’s good with her it’s “good”. You feel like a million bucks when she’s smiling. You know it’s not your “job” to make her happy, but you sure wish you could. It’s gotten to the point that before you even open your mouth you just KNOW you’ve done something wrong, even though you’re not exactly sure what it is. In fact, how it might be for you now, is that you can’t do ANYTHING right, and you’re starting to think, “Why bother trying?”.

You find yourself setting up boundaries and blocks to protect yourself from this never-ending sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness you’re getting from her. You wish she would notice all the things you DO for her and the family. You’re starting to think she’s unappreciative. She wants you to take more of the “lead” regarding the house and/or family. When you do, she either lets you know you’ve done it wrong OR she doesn't see the value in how you’ve done it. She’ll take someone else’s word over yours. When you get into conversation with her, she jumps all OVER the place and doesn’t stick to one thing. She often doesn’t believe what you’re saying. She thinks you’re ”withholding” but you’re not.

When you agree to have difficult conversations, you always seem to be talking about the same old thing and it never really “gets” anywhere. She keeps saying, “You don’t get it, do you?” You think you do get it, and secretly (and maybe not so secretly) you think there is something wrong with her… that she’s “asking for trouble”… that she may even be a little “crazy”.

You give great advice, ideas and suggestions and can’t figure out WHY she would prefer misery over listening to your ideas. The longer this goes on, the more you disengage. It’s gotten to the point where you don’t say what’s really on your mind because she’s not going to hear you anyway, you’ve just stopped talking about THOSE things. How can she be missing all of the great things about you? Are you really that much of a failure?

What's Going On Here?

Men and women, literally are NOT related to relationship and communication in the same way. You know you sense it but you don’t know exactly how it works. Without a full and true understanding , it will be next to impossible to truly meet in the middle or to get on the same page because you cannot CHANGE another person. 

The best way is through understanding our differences. Otherwise, there will always be one partner that feels they are “settling” and being compromised. You will move though time together going from one struggle to the next, not knowing how to navigate these fundamental differences. 

Exactly what are some of these differences that come into play?

Men and women think differently. Not just as individuals but as genders. We rely on TWO DIFFERENT types of logic and so this can make a BIG difference in how we see and communicate about things.

Our bodies respond differently. Men and women have very different responses to the same stressful conversations. These response are directly related to the way we react to one another and to "what comes next" in any given conversation. .

Men and women express needs differently. Couples can share the same common needs, but how those needs are expressed are very different.

Men and women want different things. Not only do men and women want different things, they are motivated differently. 

Each of the above difference (and many more!) are expressed through communication. Men and women communicate differently and when you don’t understand HOW the OTHER communicates, you WILL experience breakdown, and it will look personal to each of you - as though the “other” is to blame. OR it will seem like there is something "off" or "wrong". 


The "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat (In-Person or Online)

"Lead your relationship back to health with the healing power of understanding and awareness." ~ Donna Tosky

Your 5-Pillar SPARK Framework for Success

Over two days, you learn our 5 pillar framework called The SPARK Communication Success Framework . Relying on these 5 pillars keeps you focused, organized and gives you the structure to produce a fresh, more satisfying connection between you.

SPARK is an acronym that stands for:


S is for "Science"

There is a HUGE amount of science regarding the area of communication in relationship. Everything from physiology and hormones to the science that shows the very palpable difference between Men and Women’s communication STYLES, all have a BIG impact.

On a very deep level, you like to understand how something works. It gives you more satisfaction, inspiration and hope knowing that you don’t have to take something at face value or re-invent the wheel … that someone has already taken a close look to PROVE what works and what doesn’t work.


P is for Perspective

When you are able to see something from multiple perspectives you are able to see the whole picture. This helps you problem solve with everyone’s needs and wants in mind. You get a better idea of why you have the results you have and exactly what you have to do to create a new result.


A is for Action

There is a saying that knowledge is power. This is false. The truth is, knowledge implemented, is power. Action is what takes you from where you are to where you want to go. Action is what helps you to make progress. Stop guessing. Implement the exact actions that will make the most difference to produce the result you want.


R is for Responsibility

Knowing what you are responsible for and taking appropriate actions based on that will keep you out of blame. Learn how to respond rather than be reactive.


K is for Keeping it Clean

What is "clean" communication? In short, it's communication that is free of blame and make wrong. It seeks solutions, rather than seeking to be right. It's not just about what you say, however. Listening is an equally important communication skill. Clean listening is listening with the intention of understanding your partner. It's listening for the best in him or her.

The POWER of S.P.A.R.K.

As you apply the "5 PILLARS of SPARK” to who you are as human beings and to the dynamics that go on BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN, your new COMMUNICATION SKILLS will empower you to know what to do when you get "stuck", and how to make being stuck a much less frequent occurrence. When you "get" SPARK, you will get:

A drastic reduction in DEFENSIVENESS.

A deeper understanding of how your PHYSIOLOGY has been running your communication more than you realise.

A capacity to stop making one another wrong - you give each other the FREEDOM TO BE.

New strategies to GET ON THE "SAME SIDE".

PEACE by knowing what to do when you see things differently.

 MASTERY in handling difficult conversations.

The ability to have a "CLEAN" CONVERSATION without ending in those same old arguments..

Delivered to a place of ACCEPTANCE, where you have respect and honour for one another’s autonomy - you will “get” that you are each allowed to see things as you see them and that it's okay.

"It's made a huge difference in my life."

ron Jones 

Landscape Developer

"I have no idea how a couple functions without them having done this program....It's made a huge difference in my life."

Topics You'll Cover During Your LIVE
"Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat 

(Available In-Person or Online)

Topic 1 - The Physiology of Connection

Physiology runs your relationship more than most people realise.

What do hormones, brain physiology, and neural pathways have to do with the quality of your relationship? Everything!  

During this discussion you will hear:

  • How testosterone, oxytocin, cortisol and other hormones determine moods, responses to stress, and influence connection and trust. 
  • How neural pathways differ between men and women, and how they directly affect the substance and quality of our communication.
  • How certain parts of the male and female brain are different and how this determines our responses and reactions in life.

Topic 2 - What Makes Him Tick?

Discover up to 32 traits common to all men.

It's common to fall into the trap of believing that your guy is unique. "My guy doesn't listen!" or "My husband is insensitive!" or "My man is lazy!" The reality is that most of the traits - good or bad - that you believe are "owned" by your partner are actually shared by all men. That's great news! It means that there are both common reasons for those ways of being, and common ways of "managing" them so you both win.

During this discussion you will discover:

  • How men think.
  • What men are really attracted to (This might surprise you!)
  • The awesome contribution that you, as a woman, make to his life.
  • Why "doing" is the single most powerful motivator in a man's life.
  • Why a man’s ego is one reason you like him, and how it serves you.
  • How little men really know about women.

Topic 3 - What Makes Her Tick?

Discover as many as 34 characteristics common to all women.

In the same way men share many common traits, so do most women.

During this discussion we will explore:

  • The nature of their complexity and mystery.
  • Why women choose the men they do.
  • How women start, steer and end relationships.
  • What makes women happy (Listen up men!)
  • Why just listening is sometimes what she really needs from you.
  • What "safety" means to a woman and why you need to know.

Topic 4 - How to Harness the Energy of Giving and Receiving

This is the missing key to a satisfying, connected relationship.

On one level, putting the natural energic flow of giving and receiving to work for you will generate connectedness and intimacy between partners. The deeper cut, however, speaks to the spiritual perfection in the design of what goes on between men and women.

During this discussion you will see:

  • The awesome power of female desire.
  • Why it’s hard for a woman to know what she wants and how to ask for it.
  • Why the bigger her desire (i.e., the more she wants) the better for everyone.
  • How to know, once and for all, what she wants.
  • Why men doubt their production…and why it’s a critical part of the Giving/Receiving cycle.
  • Why satisfying her wants should be the top priority of every man.

Topic 5 - Lifting the Veil on What Women Want

The topic men love the most.

We will answer,  simply and clearly, the age-old question, “What do women want?” Men love knowing it, and women love that men know it.

During this discussion you will hear:

  • The top 4 things women want from the man in their life.
  • The mechanism of "female receiving" – how it looks, what it is, and what it isn’t.
  • How "what a woman wants" powers the show, and why this serves the big picture.
  • Why women should dream big! (And why they don't.)
  • How women ask for what they want.
  • How and why a satisfied, happy woman serves everyone.

Topic 6 - What a Man Wants

Women will be surprised...and delighted!

While this is the shortest conversation of the weekend, it speaks volumes about the essence of who men are.

During this discussion you will:

  • Discover the single most important thing a man wants in relationship (it's NOT what you think).
  • Understand why his list of wants is so short.
  • See the woman's role is fulfilling his wants (and guess what? There's nothing she has to "DO".)

Topic 7 - The Depth and Breadth of a Woman's Anger

De-mystifying the anger women feel beneath the surface.

There is a low-grade anger women feel that they can't quite put their finger on, and it's often directed toward men. This conversation de-mystifies where that anger comes from and why.

During this discussion you will discover:

  • The source of why women are angry.
  • Women get present to what that anger costs them so they and their partners can move forward.
  • Understanding this anger helps to transform it so it doesn't run the show.
  • Understanding her anger also gives women access to "letting men off the hook" if she chooses.
  • Deeper compassion and connection result when men understand her deep-seated anger.
  • Both men and women will enjoy peace of mind and clarity when the nature of her anger is uncloaked.

Topic 8 - How Women Disempower Men Without Knowing It...And How to Stop

Women have more impact on men than women realize.

The tone of her voice, a sigh or the look in her eye can change the course of his day. Her words can be devastating.  

During this discussion you will come to understand:

  • The 3 ways women can take men down at the knees.
  • Men and women get peace of mind by understanding why she does this even though she doesn't like to.
  • Men will discover how to handle this when it happens without making her wrong.

Topic 9 - How to Have a Man to Gladly Give You What You Want

This is about everyone feeling pleased.

When women know how to ask for and receive what they want in a way that has him feel good, he will gladly produce it. Everyone wins!  

During this session you will hear:

  • The 3-step "A.R.T." approach to asking for, and getting, what she wants.
  • The importance of women being clear about what they want as the starting point for getting it.
  • Why "doubt" is the essential first step in a man’s process of production.

"Mind blowing weekend!"

Sherra westerveld and ivan stewart

"I have to say, after finishing the weekend retreat, my husband and I realized that we really didn’t know how to talk to one another......the retreat made our lives so much better. Mind blowing weekend!"

Retreat Schedule

(The following is a "typical" schedule that can be adjusted to accommodate you and the "flow" of the retreat.)


(All times are Mountain Time)

(Time Zone Convertor)

AM SESSION - 9 a.m. to approx. 12:00 pm (Mid-morning break for 10-15 minutes)

LUNCH BREAK - Approx. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

SESSION 2 - 1:00 p.m. to approx. 4:00 p.m. (Mid-afternoon break for 10-15 minutes)


4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. "The Women's Room" - At 4:00 p.m., men are free to go, while women stay with me. During this time I coach the women on their role for the evening "date night".


(All times are Mountain Time)

(Time Zone Convertor)

SESSION 1 - 9:00 a.m. to approx. 12:00 p.m. (Mid-morning break for 10-15 minutes)

LUNCH BREAK - Approx. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

SESSION 2 - 1:00 p.m. to approx. 5:00 p.m. (Mid-afternoon break for 10-15 minutes)

What Our Clients are Saying

(Results May Vary)

“I received so much more from “Between Men and Women” than I thought I would. The ‘Sacred Circuit’ and its components are life changing! It is absolutely going to help our communication, how we think about relationship and each other, and how we are ‘being’ together. I feel so much positivity and gratitude for having the tools to help my marriage and other life relationships. Thank you so much Donna and Jason!”

Jodi Northcott 

Caroline, Alberta

“Throughout the 2 days I was amazed at how little I knew of how women think. The assumptions I was making was like adding gasoline to a fire. I believe if I use half the stuff I learned, I will be in a ‘new’ relationship with my wife.”

Glenn Costello

Turner valley, Alberta

“As a senior sales rep I’ve taken lots of courses and seminars. On a scale from 1 to 10, many rate about 3 or 4, and a few reach 6 or 7. This one is definitely a 12 or 14."

Mike Muhr

Francis, Saskatchewan

“Coming into the retreat, I was confused and unsure if there was any way we could fix our marriage. To me, our issues seemed impossible to resolve. Now, I’m very relieved that I have clarity and a very positive outlook on the future of our relationship.”

Jordon Northcott

Caroline, Alberta

“This retreat gave me a different perspective on our relationship. Self-awareness for me was a huge light switch being turned on…being aware that what we see or hear from one angle is not always seeing the big picture. This retreat will help me see my husband’s viewpoint."

Leanne Schroh  

Cold lake, alberta

“I came into the retreat feeling disconnected from my spouse. After being presented with crucial differences on the thought patterns of men and women, a light bulb turned on inside my head. Applying the skills taught will definitely improve not only my marriage, but all relationships in general. Thank you Jason and Donna!”

Linda Nowak

lethbridge, alberta

“Before the retreat I was feeling defeated and that my relationship was over. During the weekend I saw that men and women think very differently, and that we don’t intentionally try to hurt each other…we just don’t understand each other. Now I have renewed hope for a ‘forever relationship’, and I feel loved by him.”

Dawn Goossen

Didsbury, alberta

“I was in a pretty uncomfortable place in my marriage prior to the retreat. ‘Between Men and Women’ has given me a full understanding of clear communication and the benefits of truly showing up in my relationship with a positive attitude. I feel like my husband and I can truly take on anything the world throws at us now.”

Crystal Hellman

fox valley, saskatchewan

“I was very hopeful coming into the retreat. I wasn’t sure if our relationship could be helped. I saw that changing our communication was the most powerful way to improve our marriage. Now I feel more committed and more connected to my wife. I believe that this retreat will continue to improve our marriage for years to come.”

 Ag Farm Manager (Fox Valley, Saskatchewan)

Jason Hellman

fox valley, saskatchewan

Here’s What You’ll Receive in the LIVE Online Training…

#1) A 2-Day LIVE In-Person or Online Interactive Training with Donna Tosky

Over 2 days, you will enjoy 12 hours of Donna's casual conversational-style coaching either in-person or online, whichever you prefer.

#2) Donna's 15+ years of experience.

Over more than 15 years, Donna has worked with 100's of couples, in groups and in private 1-on-1 coaching. The "Between Men and Women" Retreat continues to evolve as Donna adds to her depth of knowledge and passes that on to clients.

#3) A Relaxed, Casual and Judgment-Free Environment

Donna's conversational-style approach keeps things relaxed. No one is ever forced to talk, and you get to participate from the comfort of a home atmosphere!

When You Register For the Retreat Each Of You Will Also Receive AT NO EXTRA COST A "Where Are You Now?" Private Phone Session With Donna!


"Where Are You Now?" Pre-Retreat Private Phone Session

with Donna Tosky

VALUE - $125

1-on-1 Couples Coaching

The "Where Are You Now?" Private Phone Session Is About Understanding You So You Have A More Customised Retreat Experience

During the call, Donna needs 15 minutes to give you details about how the weekend will go. Then you have 45 minutes (if you want them) to help Donna understand your experience of what's happening in your relationship. Donna does NOT assess, judge, blame or determine who is right or wrong. The call helps Donna customise the retreat so the program is directly and personally relatable to you.

The call:

  • Gives you confidence knowing that your experience has been heard. You will know that Donna understands exactly what you are experiencing so you can be sure that it will be addressed during the retreat.
  • Allows Donna to customise the retreat so you get the most possible from the experience.
  • Provides a platform for you and your spouse to separately relate your experience in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Here's What You'll Receive When You Register for the "Between Men and Women" Couples Communication Success Retreat:

Improve Communication in Marriage-

1. Approximately 12 hours of conversational-style content over two days delivered either in-person or online via a software called "Zoom" (the retreat can be scheduled for any two consecutive days of the week, including weekends).

2. "Where Are You Now" Private Phone Session for Each of You Before the Retreat

3. Donna's 18+ years of experience working with 100's of couples just like you.

4. A relaxed and casual environment. No one will ever be forced to talk or be put on the spot.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Donna is an educator. She is not a counsellor or therapist. Therefore, "Between Men and Women" is not appropriate for you if you are dealing with any of the following, or similar situations. In these cases, your well-being is best served by consulting an appropriate counsellor and/or psycho-therapist :

Serial infidelity; Domestic violence; Serious mental illness; Unmanaged addictions

How to Register



Schedule your private 1-on-1 retreat by contacting Donna:

Email: donna@BetweenMenAndWomen.comPhone: (403) 455-9351Text: (403) 975-3723


When you speak with Donna, pick any 2 consecutive days that work for you, including weekends.


Donna will email you the link for making your payment.


After your registration fee is processed, you will be emailed a "Participant Checklist" that outlines everything you'll need to know to have a great experience.


1) The price is the same whether registering as a single or a couple. 

2) Please see the bottom of this page for my "Refund / Cancellation" Policy.


No-Risk "Flex-Attendance" Policy

We know organizing your schedule to attend a 2-day event can be tricky. Or things can come up unexpectedly that may prevent you from attending as planned. While we can't prevent the unexpected, we can help to ensure that it doesn't stop you from getting the support you deserve. Therefore, if for any reason you aren't able to attend the retreat on the dates you selected, you can reschedule as long as the new dates are within 2 months of the date your original registration fee was received. 

About US

Donna Tosky
Coach and Couples Communication Specialist

Donna Tosky is committed to supporting men and women in finding peace, connection, trust and fun in their marriage or committed relationship. She does this by educating clients about who they and their partners are naturally as men and women. When men and women are comfortable with their natural perfection, and that of their partner, mutual empathy, connection and compassion are the automatic results.

“The retreat is not about changing people, ‘fixing’ anything or laying blame. You can’t change who you are, and there's no need to fix what's already perfect. It’s about waking up to what’s already there…to what’s been working for you all along,” she says. Clients that participate in her retreats consistently report breakthrough results in the areas of compassion, self esteem and acceptance for themselves and others.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

We’re committed to making a difference in your relationship, but we can’t be more committed than you. We want you to have talked to your spouse about the event and to be sure that you’re in. We want you to be committed too. Our refund policy reflects that intention.

With that in mind, there are no refunds offered after registering. In lieu of a refund, and in accordance with our "Flex Attendance Policy", a retreat can be rescheduled for any date within 2 months of the original registration fee being received. For instance, if you paid on May 7 for a retreat on May 20-21, but weren't able to attend, you can select new dates as long as those dates are before July 7. 

Since many of the couples that attend the retreat are experiencing a lot of stress in their relationship, it's not uncommon for them to have an argument immediately before the retreat, and then request a refund, almost as if to punish their partner. The above refund policy applies to this situation as well, so NO REFUND WILL BE PROVIDED. When you and your partner are arguing is exactly when you need to attend the retreat to get the support you need to move forward. Nothing new "in" means nothing new "out", so take a stand for your relationship. Be sure to show up in order to get the new tools that will help you move through what's going on and reduce the frequency of it happening in the future.

Also, if you choose to attend the retreat online, and since we can’t control technology, no refunds will be given if technical failures on your end or ours result in interrupted or lost Internet connections. That’s why we highly recommend:

- Joining the webinar using a desktop or laptop computer.
- Connecting your computer to you modem using an ethernet cable rather than wifi.
- Closing all other tabs on your computers.
- Shutting off other devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) that use bandwidth.

We also can’t control how you participate, so we don’t offer refunds if for any reason you are unable to complete the retreat or if your participation is interrupted. We highly recommend doing your best to eliminate distractions and set aside the time to focus on the event. We know this can be difficult at times, which is why we make slides of the presentation available after the workshop so you can catch up on anything you missed.

Finally, since this is an “information product” that can’t be returned after using it, no refunds will be given following the program.


Organizers make every and all efforts to ensure events are carried out as scheduled. Organizers, however, reserve the right to cancel, reschedule or postpone an event when very rare circumstances outside of their control create that necessity. Such circumstances include but are not limited to:

- natural disasters (including but not limited to floods, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, severe weather, or other natural threats to the safety of organizers and participants);
- threats to public health and safety as announced by government and other public security officials;
- actions governments take in response to those health / security threats including, but not limited to, restrictions on business operations, lockdowns, social distancing requirements, vaccination mandates, and other such actions;
- cancellation of an event reservation by the retreat's venue (for in-person events);
- Serious personal health conditions that result in the hospitalization of, or otherwise incapacitate the facilitator(s).

In such rare instances, organizers will attempt to provide as much advanced notice of the change in the event's schedule as possible. Registrations already received at the time of cancellation, rescheduling or postponement can be moved to another date that is within 2 months of when the original registration fee was paid. No refunds will be processed. For in-person events, organizers will not be responsible for reimbursing airfare, accommodations, child care costs or other travel related expenses that participants may incur as a result of, or have already incurred prior to the cancellation, rescheduling or postponement of an event. For this reason, we suggest that participants who must travel to attend a retreat purchase travel cancellation insurance from their service provider.